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Oxfordshire Virtual Young Musician of the Year 2020

Deadline: 5pm on 6 July 2020 Applicants must be between the ages of 5-20 on…

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Nursing team Newsletter

Click to access Secondary-school-newsletter-term-6-June-2020.pdf

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Move with Europa

Today we launch the new fundraising campaign – Move with Europa “Around the world in…

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S6 Virtual Careers/Higher Education Days

S6 students have participated in Careers and Higher Education Preparation Days over four days across…

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Tennis Challenge

03/07/20 Congratulations to those of you that have completed the 4 tournaments of the year….

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S7 Goodbye

To S7 In these unusual times it was our continuing hope, To finish the school…

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Europa S7s are going places…

A few numbers: 33 of the 45 S7s applied to University 2 have applied for…

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Activity booklet primary

The Oxfordshire Health Service created this booklet for children.  

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Children’s Commissioner – Children’s guide to coronavirus

There have been big changes in our lives because of coronavirus, so the Children’s Commissioner…

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Europa School UK gains International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Accreditation

Europa School UK is celebrating because it has just secured a new end qualification for…

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Europa Community COVID19 Support

Oxfordshire County Council contacted Europa requesting any Personal Protective Equipment we could give them to…

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Oxfordshire Virtual Young Musician of the Year 2020

Deadline: 5pm on 6 July 2020 Applicants must be between the ages of 5-20 on…

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Nursing team Newsletter

Click to access Secondary-school-newsletter-term-6-June-2020.pdf

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Move with Europa

Today we launch the new fundraising campaign – Move with Europa “Around the world in…

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S6 Virtual Careers/Higher Education Days

S6 students have participated in Careers and Higher Education Preparation Days over four days across…

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Tennis Challenge

03/07/20 Congratulations to those of you that have completed the 4 tournaments of the year….

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S7 Goodbye

To S7 In these unusual times it was our continuing hope, To finish the school…

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Europa S7s are going places…

A few numbers: 33 of the 45 S7s applied to University 2 have applied for…

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Activity booklet primary

The Oxfordshire Health Service created this booklet for children.  

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Children’s Commissioner – Children’s guide to coronavirus

There have been big changes in our lives because of coronavirus, so the Children’s Commissioner…

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Europa School UK gains International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Accreditation

Europa School UK is celebrating because it has just secured a new end qualification for…

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Europa Community COVID19 Support

Oxfordshire County Council contacted Europa requesting any Personal Protective Equipment we could give them to…

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