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Message from the Principal

The Europa School UK is unique, a place of welcome, where we rejoice in our differences as they bring such a rich cultural life to the school; a school which is both a UK state school and an IB World School.

On one beautiful site, our pupils can follow our multilingual curriculum from age 4 to 18, culminating in the highly respected International Baccalaureate Diploma.

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In Primary, half the week is taught through English and half taught through French, German or Spanish. At home, the pupils might speak English or any of roughly twenty other languages present in our community, united by the school but spread throughout Oxfordshire. It is not unknown for a child in Reception to be using four languages between school and home – and it works, not least because our dedicated staff have the experience and application needed to make it work.

In Secondary, History and Geography are studied in a second language, ensuring a deep academic and empathetic engagement with our multicultural approach. Our pupils are confident in their own roots and confident to broaden their horizons.

Throughout, we use a programme developed through cooperation among educational experts from many countries. It is well structured with a consistent academic standard. The Baccalaureate provides opportunity for deep study in some areas while preserving a rounded education through to the age of 18. With a strong reputation built over 60 years, it is highly respected by universities. The school has an excellent academic record and expects most of our students to go on to higher education .

For all the academic success, spread broadly through ability levels, the most frequent observation made by visitors is the warm welcome and friendliness evident in our school.

Lynn Wood

Mission, Ethos & Vision

Read more about our Mission, Ethos & Vision

Mission – Declaration of the school’s core purpose

Our mission is to provide a multilingual and multicultural education for primary and secondary level pupils delivered in a sustainable way through a broad, challenging and internationally minded curriculum with a particular emphasis on Modern European Languages and Sciences.

Ethos: The characteristic spirit of a community as manifested in its attitude and aspirations

Europa School UK provides an immersive multilingual, multicultural learning environment. By enjoying an excellent academic education through Modern European languages and by celebrating the numerous cultures encountered in our school, our students become global citizens with a tolerance underpinned by mutual understanding.

Our students experience the joy of learning together in a mutually respectful community. They develop skills which equip them for further studies, an enriched cultural life, and a global perspective to help create a more sustainable and peaceful world.

Vision: What pupils will leave the school knowing, being and having done

We give our pupils the best possible start in life by providing an inclusive multilingual and multicultural learning environment and by encouraging them to take ownership of their own learning. We help our students develop the skills they need to make a difference and to thrive in a modern world that changes fast.

Our students graduate in the International Baccalaureate and are fluent and literate in at least two languages. These language skills and a global perspective enable them to study at leading universities both in this country and abroad and to enhance their job prospects and enjoy a richer cultural life.

Values: Principles that guide our thinking and behaviour


At the heart of our thriving, diverse community is a passionate belief in the benefits of a multilingual, multicultural education to form responsible, engaged citizens of the world. This is reflected in the following behaviours which we nurture in our pupils:

  • Understand each other
  • Embrace other languages
  • Learn about the world
  • Share your opinion
  • Listen to others’ opinions
  • Look after each other

The expertise of our staff lies not only in pedagogy and education, but in pastoral care and in nurturing in our pupils purposeful learning to develop them into happy, engaged and independent young people. This is reflected in the following behaviours:

  • Believe in yourself and in each other
  • Be your best
  • Bring out the best in each other
  • Challenge yourself
  • Take pride in doing your best
  • Celebrate others’ achievements

 In creating a safe and stimulating learning environment, we recognise the right of everyone to respectfully express, explore and question knowledge, views and beliefs in a safe environment. This is reflected in the following behaviours:

  • Be eager to learn
  • Explore your potential
  • Question
  • Speak out
  • Try new things
  • Find solutions
  • Seek help when needed

 At the heart of all relationships is mutual respect, including regard for an individual’s dignity, individual liberty and freedom of choice, and regard for our democracy and the rule of law. This is reflected in the following behaviours:

  • Respect others
  • Be Tolerant
  • Find forgiveness
  • Greet each other
  • Say sorry
  • Respect equipment
  • Allow personal space
And finally, last but not least in any way – COMMUNITY

 Our community is at the heart of our school, and embraces a rich diversity of cultural, linguistic and religious traditions, heritage, and preferences. This is reflected in the following behaviours:

  • Be kind
  • Say please and thank you
  • Respect others’ feelings
  • Learn to work as a team
  • Include others


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Europa is an Eco School