Canteen Menus
General information
Environmental update – Accent Catering
How to sign up:
Reception, year 1 and year 2 : If your child does not wish to eat from the canteen and bring a packed lunch, please fill in this form.
Keystage 2 ( Years 3, 4, 5 and 6):
- £2.90 per main meal
- How to top up your Ipay account – new users Yr3 to Yr6: you should have received a registration code. Please contact the school office if you have not received the email.
How to top up your Ipay account – new users: you should have received a registration code. Please contact the school office if you have not received the email.
For questions regarding the canteen/menus/children for primary, please contact our canteen coordinator, Mrs Arevalo. for questions regarding the ipay account, pin codes or biometric registration, please contact our Data Manager.
Information on biometrics
Some FAQs about the biometric system (for more details, please refer to the documents below).
Why do we want to take a scan of your child’s finger?
• Faster speed of service through the canteen;
• Keeps Free School Meals anonymous;
• Eliminates the loss of dinner money or cards;
• Ensures that dinner money is spent on its intended use;
• No more evening rush for change;
• A secure solution that is simple and easy to use.
Do we hold images of individual fingerprints?
No images of a finger print are stored at all. We scan the finger and then store only mathematical representations which cannot be used to recreate the fingerprints. These representations are encrypted and stored on the servers at the school.
The data is extremely secure in its encrypted form, and even if it were not encrypted, it would be impossible to recreate the original fingerprint image from the stored data.
Could the police or a court of law use the data on the fingerprints?
No as we do not store fingerprint images. The recorded templates are comprised of a set of numbers, which represent each person. This set of numbers will be unique within populations of hundreds, or a few thousands, of people. However, in a wider population, the system is not accurate enough for the templates to be usable for forensic matching with any degree of certainty. A court of law would not be able to use this information as evidence.
Catering, allergies and free school meals:
The school dinners are provided by Accent Catering and cooked freshly on site. The school is a nut-free environment, so the meals are nut-free.The children have vegetables every day. The dessert choice includes pudding and fruit. Children in Keystage 1 also have fruit in the morning break.
For other allergies and special diets (religious,e.g.), please contact the canteen coordinator to discuss possibilities. Since the younger pupils are served by a limited number of school staff, we cannot provide an a la carte menu, we try to cater for everyone’s wishes as best we can without any guarantees!
Keystage 1 children (Reception, Year 1 and 2) will be provided with a free school dinner in line with government funding. If you think you may be eligible for free school meals /pupil premium and you children are in reception, Year 1 or year 2 please contact the school as it brings further benefits,
Some families with children older than KS1 may also benefit from free school meals and in the process gain access to the Pupil Premium for their children. For further details, please read the pupil premium form: Pupil premium registration form. Please return it for each school year that you think your children are entitled to free school meals.
If you prefer, you may provide your child with a regular packed lunch (nut free) rather than the school meal.
For younger children, can you please mention clearly in an e-mail if your child needs a vegetarian meal the first week of each school year!