Congratulations to everyone for the great work you have managed to do, earning your Green Flag with Merit in style. You should all be very proud of your work and the application you have submittedEco Schools
Sustainability at Europa School UK
Our mission
Europa School UK is dedicated to support students in:
- Learning to respect and care for our planet
- Exploring what sustainability means and looks like through concrete actions
- Empowering them with the tools they need to become agents of change now and in the future.
In both our primary and secondary schools, numerous initiatives are run each year to encourage children and young adults to think and act sustainably.
Thanks to all we are doing, we are proud to share that Europa has been Eco-School accredited this time with merit. Read more here
How do we do this?
Weekly primary and secondary Eco Clubs (‘Go Ecolo’ in secondary and the primary ‘Eco Club’)
Including an Eco-drama Club, which empower children and young adults to make decisions and take actions.
Annual ecology-related film making
by Primary and Secondary presented at the Critical Connections Festival Goldsmiths University of London. See the award winning ‘De ma fenêtre’ film from the 5FE primary class (2021-2022).
From my Window.mp4 from Critical Connections on Vimeo.
Links to sustainability are being built into our year group/subject curriculums within Primary and Secondary.
Projects in partnership with researchers from UCL (Mina Vasalou and Andrea Gauthier)
These have been running for several years, for example:
Fast fashion digital tool design with Year 5
Grant applications with the Royal Research Society related to science and sustainability for KS2
Hosting local best-practice events where local schools meet to share their own journey on the road to sustainability. Check out the findings from our last meeting.
The Eco Log-Book, a free digital tool to track eco projects in schools has been launched nationally by UCL. This tool was first designed by the Eco Club and the UCL team in 2023. It is so exciting to see the work done by children expanded at a national level.
Earth day celebrations and exhibitions.