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Oxford Bach Choir Concert with Europa Singing Group

Oxford Bach Choir   Members of the singing group performed with pupils from three other…

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Stream Language Day at Europa

Language Festival at Europa On Wednesday 14th June Europa School held our inaugural Stream Languages…

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URGENT – Tuesday 13th June 2023 – School Closed

Europa has a power cut and therefore cannot open today. Our email via Schoolbase is…

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Applications for Year 7 at Europa – Bug on Council website

We have been made aware there is a problem applying for year 7 on the…

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Stream Language Day at Europa

Language Festival at Europa On Wednesday 14th June Europa School held our inaugural Stream Languages…

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URGENT – Tuesday 13th June 2023 – School Closed

Europa has a power cut and therefore cannot open today. Our email via Schoolbase is…

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Applications for Year 7 at Europa – Bug on Council website

We have been made aware there is a problem applying for year 7 on the…

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