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Science presentation in New Theatre

On Wednesday most of S4 and 11 S5 students visited the New Theatre in Oxford…

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Badminton fixture vs King Alfred’s

Tuesday evening 28/01/20 saw 13 s3 and s5 students take on King Alfred’s school in…

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Oxfordshire’s School Football

On Monday 27 th January in the Oxfordshire Schools Football cup home game ESUK U14…

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Science presentation in New Theatre

On Wednesday most of S4 and 11 S5 students visited the New Theatre in Oxford…

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Badminton fixture vs King Alfred’s

Tuesday evening 28/01/20 saw 13 s3 and s5 students take on King Alfred’s school in…

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Oxfordshire’s School Football

On Monday 27 th January in the Oxfordshire Schools Football cup home game ESUK U14…

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