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Europa S7s are going places…

A few numbers: 33 of the 45 S7s applied to University 2 have applied for…

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Childline & Thinkyouknow Stay safe online:

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Activity booklet primary

The Oxfordshire Health Service created this booklet for children.  

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Children’s Commissioner – Children’s guide to coronavirus

There have been big changes in our lives because of coronavirus, so the Children’s Commissioner…

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Europa School UK gains International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Accreditation

Europa School UK is celebrating because it has just secured a new end qualification for…

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Europa Community COVID19 Support

Oxfordshire County Council contacted Europa requesting any Personal Protective Equipment we could give them to…

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Impact of COVID-19 on the European Schools’ education

Letter from the Secretary General of the European Schools

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Keeping fit while homeschooling

With thanks to our PE teacher Mrs Mackenzie! 2 Minute Energisers Activity for off school…

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Supportive documents during homeschooling

Managing our Mental Health Europa School information and advice for online activity COVID19_advice-for-parents-and-carers

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How to cope with anxiety in children

A useful downloadble PDF with advice for children & young people who may be anxious…

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Europa S7s are going places…

A few numbers: 33 of the 45 S7s applied to University 2 have applied for…

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Childline & Thinkyouknow Stay safe online:

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Activity booklet primary

The Oxfordshire Health Service created this booklet for children.  

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Children’s Commissioner – Children’s guide to coronavirus

There have been big changes in our lives because of coronavirus, so the Children’s Commissioner…

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Europa School UK gains International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Accreditation

Europa School UK is celebrating because it has just secured a new end qualification for…

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Europa Community COVID19 Support

Oxfordshire County Council contacted Europa requesting any Personal Protective Equipment we could give them to…

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Impact of COVID-19 on the European Schools’ education

Letter from the Secretary General of the European Schools

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Keeping fit while homeschooling

With thanks to our PE teacher Mrs Mackenzie! 2 Minute Energisers Activity for off school…

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Supportive documents during homeschooling

Managing our Mental Health Europa School information and advice for online activity COVID19_advice-for-parents-and-carers

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How to cope with anxiety in children

A useful downloadble PDF with advice for children & young people who may be anxious…

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