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Cross Country Success

Our ESUK Junior boys team (S1 and S2) came third in the Region Cross country…

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Lantern procession for St Martin’s Day

Europa celebrated St Martin’s Day (Martinstag) with all of KS1 invited to a lantern procession…

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Remembrance Day

S3 and S4 students were invited to an assembly organised by their fellow students who…

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Europa’s 10th Anniversary Ball

All profits will be used to build a new classroom for primary and a design…

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Newsletters 16th September 2022

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Cross Country Success

Our ESUK Junior boys team (S1 and S2) came third in the Region Cross country…

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Lantern procession for St Martin’s Day

Europa celebrated St Martin’s Day (Martinstag) with all of KS1 invited to a lantern procession…

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Remembrance Day

S3 and S4 students were invited to an assembly organised by their fellow students who…

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Europa’s 10th Anniversary Ball

All profits will be used to build a new classroom for primary and a design…

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Newsletters 16th September 2022

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