2023-2024 THANK YOU!

£146,585 raised so far £162,000

Europa School Fund

 The Europa School Fund is essential for ensuring we can support our unique curriculum. Our school relies on these donations to provide a range of support across our primary and secondary classes. we use the fund to support all our non-core and supplementary activities. These activities are not vital to the basic educational offering but they make the difference between a standard education and a great one. These are the parts that draw out shy students, engage the disengaged, support the struggling and stretch the most able.

If you can afford it, the voluntary donation requested is either £1 or £2 per day per child.  However, if you can’t afford this much any amount will help.

For More information about where your money goes please click here.

How to donate
  • If you have a Paypal account, you can set up a regular donation using this link .  This is our preferred method as it reduces administration on claiming the gift aid, but if you don’t have a Paypal account please see below for other ways to pay.
  • One off donation or credit card donation, this link works for annual donations
  • Bank transfers, if you wish to set up a standing order to the school please see below
    Donation via Bank Transfer
    Lloyds bank Fundraising account Name: Europa School UK Reference: Child’s Name SC: 30-67-53 Acc: 25548968 If you are a taxpayer in the UK please also complete the gift aid form available below
  • Payroll Giving, various companies offer payroll giving, we can receive funds in this way, please let us know if you need help setting it up.
  • Matched Funding, if you company offer matched funding for charitable donations please consider us
Gift Aid

You can download the gift aid declaration forms for bank transfer donations here. Please email a copy to a.cole-morgan@europaschool.uk once you have completed the form

Gift Aid declaration form – single donations

Gift Aid declaration form – multiple donations

Primary Médiathèque Campaign


Sponsor the fun run or make a donation here.

Significant Donations
Thanks to Freundeskreis Deutscher Auslandsschulen, a German charity who have made a second generous donation to Europa for resources of €5000. They support schools and other educational institutions that promote the German language abroad.Der Freundeskreis Deutscher Auslandschulen. Even more importantly however is, that this charity will transfer any donations they receive that are earmarked for Europa School UK to us and German donors will receive a tax receipt so they can claim back their donations when they fill out their tax return.
Please see here for more information about how you can help.
What is the School Fund

The School Fund is the £1 per day we request from parents for each child If you can afford more then £2 per day will make a huge difference. It is essential to fund the extra support and resources that enhance your children’s education and experience at school. 

We need to maintain a contribution of £162,000 per school year. This is what we spend it on: 


Emotional and Language Support Assistant

Additional language support sessions

Forest School leaders, training and resources

Classroom resources 


Pastoral Care Counsellor

Careers Counsellor

Art technician

New International Baccalaureate books for the library and class sets

Mental Health Training


All School

Additional staff training staff costs, especially SEN training for staff

Wellbeing support


This would not be possible without the support of our very generous parents. 

If more parents could offer their support and contribute any amount regularly, we could offer even more to our school community.

What could we offer with more?

Extra language support 

Enhanced training for SEN and Higher level teaching assistants to support students

Further classroom resources and enrichment speakers and visitors’ fund

More funds for school maintenance and upkeep of the site


Does your company offer Matched Funding?
Find out more here.
Why does Europa need to raise money?
Europa is trying to do more than a typical state school and many schools are struggling to make ends meet without making significant cuts to staffing and curriculum. More critically, Europa is still in a transition stage: with only 2 language streams from S2 to S7 and new classrooms needed to accommodate the growing school. Lower than expected funding allocations,  increased costs (pay increases, NI and pension costs and general inflation), and limited reserves leave the school unable to cover the costs of the transition stage without raising additional funds.

Please also read the frequently asked questions regarding funding.