As part of the ongoing work with the Critical Connection Project, Marie Gaillard, Liz Cook and Vicky Macleroy  presented at the ALL Language World Conference in March 2024 and were approached by the Vice-chair of NALDIC Editor and EAL Journal publications.  Liz and Marie with the help of Dr Yu-chiao Chung wrote an article now published in the EAL Journal called “Empowering Multilingualism in the global Critical Connections Project”.

It is a  cover feature in the NALDIC (National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum) which is the UK’s national subject association for EAL. NALDIC  provides a professional forum for the teaching and learning of English as an additional language, supports bilingualism, raises the achievement of ethnic minority learners, and promotes the development of research, policy and practice.

This article is about interdisciplinary, inclusivity and welcoming home languages and makes us very proud !