Europa’s Primary Classroom Campaign
All the children in primary, from Reception to Year 6 join in this fun activity and help to raise funds for the
two new year 6 classrooms needed for our growing school. So far we have raised £24,000 towards the
£40,000 target and the fun run last year raised an amazing £16,000 towards this figure.
Please see below for the dates and times for your children’s classes.
Monday 13th June 2022
Year 4 – 08:45
Year 3 – 15:00
Tuesday 14th June 2022
Reception – 08:45
Year 5 – 15:00
Thursday 16th June 2022
Year 1 – 08:45
Year 6 – 15:00
Friday 17th June 2022
Year 2 – 8.45 am
On the field. The gate will be open for parents of the classes taking part and you can drop off or pick up children taking part and their siblings from the field.
- Just below the orange donation button you can see the blue ‘Support This Organisation’ box
- Tap the orange box ‘Start Fundraising’ within the blue Support This Organisation box
- Tap for ‘Raise Funds for Us!’ with the piggy bank logo
- Parent/guardian to enter their email address, name, home address details (completely confidential and adhering to GDPR policies), Ticking T&C’s, creating a password, ticking the ‘I’m not a Robot box’
- At this stage the pupil/supporter is a registered User and can then create their own ‘mini-campaign’.
- a) Campaign Name: Be creative!
- b) Open Date – when they want to start collecting sponsorship, suggest ‘today’s date’
- c) Target Amount – a realistic target for their own sponsorship aim. This can be overrun and become a Target Breaker.d) Close Date – a couple of weeks after the event is usually sufficient.
- e) Few lines of text about why they are participating.
- f) Tick T&C’s as a Fundraiser
- g) Add image/s, You can chose to use the school one or upload a picture of your choice!
Then press Submit button. This will activate the donation button and the campaign will be live. An email will be sent to the pupil/supporter confirming this.
Then SHARE, SHARE, SHARE with all your friends and family by sending your link to them!!!
To identify the classes please could they wear t-shirts according to their language stream:
● EE classes please wear Red T-shirts
● DE classes please wear Yellow T-shirts
● FE classes please wear Blue T-shirts
If the weather is good please make sure the children have sunscreen, hats and water bottles. If we have to
rearrange due to inclement weather we will give you as much notice as possible.